Thursday, July 23, 2009
Labeled Trebuchet Plans
Dopo l'ennesima richiesta da parte dei nostri lettori, denunciamo uno spam dell'ultima ora, dedicato al solito sito che inonda le mail delle agenzie immobiliari di richieste di iscrizione ecc ecc.
Vi copiamo la mail ricevuta con le nostre modifiche COME SEMPRE in ROSSO .
Sei un'agenzia immobiliare ( SI! )e hai bisogno a site ( NO! ) where you post your ad sales and rentals of properties? ( NO! ) is a portal ( making a sea of \u200b\u200bSPAM ) on which, by registering for free, ( ONLY FOR A FEW MONTHS, SO IT IS NOT 'FREE BUT ONLY ONE decoy ) can raise awareness of your solutions ( to people who will buy 'NEVER ). The site allows you to view ( THE WORK OF AGENCIES, AND THE SWEAT OF THE SAME ) tenders for all regions of Italy and the fast ( Search property ESTATE SITES IN OFFICIAL! ) your ad is to just a click away! .... Your home ( AND YOUR MONEY ) in one click!
Click here to unsubscribe from the newsletters ( BUT HE HAS 'WRITING!?. )
Ei Cantile Louis who told you to be spammed to all agencies of Italy? Maybe pay the consequences. Or maybe some real estate agentone follows you for the umpteenth time. Dear
real estate professionals, we refer to our link real estate search engine, read it carefully and creative your own site.
Church Pledge Request Letter

Dear Unitalsiani of Lucca, we send photos and a translation of the letter
thank the lady who helped you through the UNITALSI.
Also thanks from us and say hello to all friends of 'UNITALSI.
Cusco 10/07/2009
lords' UNITALSI Lucca
Greetings to you all and the people who are close.
I want to thank you wholeheartedly for the help you have given us substantial
walking into a banquet for the sale of hot drinks. I'll keep my family up
that my husband can fully recover from the accident
and who has suffered through this work I can keep my children to study
, and we will take care of my husband to eat at home.
This is the greatest help we have received and make use of this
work to give a future to my family that has suffered greatly. Thank you
's UNITALSI of Lucca, do not forget us because I
with my husband and our children do not forget you for what you did
Thank you because you made our dreams a reality and thank you for
many people who need help. The Lord will reward you per
Vi saluto, io Vilma insieme a mio marito Percy, mia figlia Estefan e
mio figlio Cristhofer.
Mille grazie.