I offer you an internship.
Denominazione azienda ospitante: Sphera Software Srl
Sede: Via Guidone 25 48100 Ravenna
Telefono: 0544 219527
Fax: 0544 219528
Indirizzo E-mail: contact@spherasoftware.com
Link al sito: www.spherasoftware.com
Settore di attività : Sviluppo software e System integrator
Attività svolta dall’azienda:
Aree applicative:
- Customer Relationship Management
- Internet Based Application & Electronic commerce
- Workflow Management Systems
- networking e system administration
Referente aziendale da contattare: Biondelli Enrico
Indirizzo E-mail: ebiondelli@spherasoftware.com
Target ( specificare se a) studente: tirocinio curriculare; b) laureando o neolaureato: tirocinio formativo e di orientamento
-facoltativo o per tesi-): b)
Area d’inserimento: Sviluppo, gestione e manutenzione di sistemi informatici
N° tirocinanti: 2
Attività di tirocinio/temi proposed:
analysis, design and maintenance of computer networks referred to below are listed some of the components:
- Consolidation and virtualization: VMware Infrastructure server, SAN architecture for the integrated storage management.
- Windows servers: network management, Active Directory, Microsoft Exchange, Terminal Services and Remote Desktop, MS SQL Server, and Microsoft products lters.
- Linux servers: mail server, web server, Security server, file server, DBMS, etc.. Of the major distributions are in circulation as Debian, Red Hat, Fedora, Suse, etc..
systems - Lotus Notes / Domino mail server, web server, DBMS, groupware.
- Border security and management company of Malware.
- Issues about the integration of applications with different operating systems and basic software.
- Etc.
Languages: English
skills: TCP / IP, 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Windows, Linux,
Additional skills: C language, Visual Basic, PHP, VMware, Debian, Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Notes / Domino, Windows Terminal Server, Citrix Presentation server, problems about the consolidation and virtualization of servers farm
Duration: 6-12 months
Period: 15/01/2007 - 31/12/2007
Headquarters Activity: Any facilities provided
Ravenna (reimbursements, food stamps etc..) reimbursement for travel expenses from customers outside the City of Ravenna
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