Hello, today I speak of my meeting last December 13, 2009 by Don Luigi Pellegrini, my great friend and parish priest of the parish of Santa Rita in Viareggio. We talked about various topics and what most 'struck me is the following: the creation of a home for disabled people.
L 'Unitalsi National Family Homes has already built, I visited the one in Pisa and call you to go ... now, however,' will "leave" the words of Don Luigi ... (leave your comments on the issue, told the Tuscan "... Lucca and we waiting for? Maremma bona ... "). Gabriele.
The project Family House Pope John Paolo II onlus di Viareggio
Un sogno d'amore nasce a Viareggio:
Queste le parole di Don Luigi : -
“Questo progetto nasce dalla sofferenza di alcuni genitori, senza altri figli, che da alcuni anni mi chiedono: quando noi non ci saremo più, dove andranno i nostri figli diversamente abili?
Il desiderio di dare una risposta è diventato sempre più grande fino a progettare una fondazione prendendo una casa .
La Provvidenza in questi anni è giunta fino alla donazione di una casa da parte della sig.ra Maria Lucchini Petrucci. Un buon gruppo di volontari già ama e crede in questo progetto.
Il sogno si sta realizzando...” .
“…Il gruppo “Amici Together "was born at the beginning of the year 2001 by Don Luigi Pellegrini and a group of young
... ... for many parents is a source of great distress and continues to think how they will live and will be assisted their children after their death . The pastor of St.
Rita, Don Luigi, along with the voluntary group "Friends Together", will promote the practical brotherly love, the spirit of true brotherhood of Christianity inspired by the very words of S. Paul indicates that as the greatest gift of the Spirit AGAPE, true love toward others. And in our
give ourselves to others, there should be neither pride nor vanity, thinking that it is Jesus working through us.
It 'important to know that people who are close to us who need our love. So each of us will be judged not for what has done, but for the amount of love that has brought in its actions.
This must be the spirit that give life to the family home, which will be based only on voluntary and Providence.
In 2008, Mrs. Maria Enrica Lucchini Petrucci gave us a house in Viareggio and 11 September 2008 has been officially formed the foundation "Pope John Paul II." In December, the project for the new house was approved by the municipality. Soon we will begin work on the restructuring.
We will tell you step by step how OUR LOVE DREAM is coming true! ... "
Info: www.parrocchiasantarita.info