Ultimamente ho un po trascurato il blog(povero lui!!!!), ma purtroppo vari impegni mi hanno distratto dal poter fare aggiornamenti!
Tra questi i preparativi per un'importante impegno cdella mia vita e un paio di viaggi nel nuovo mondo.........
Comunque the big news is that today has been given approval to the project "West Ride to Hell" by the big boss of Viper comics.
That means I'll have immerse in an American project that will absorb all my free time, thereby reducing to zero my already meager social life !!!!! However
creator and writer of history is the great Dan Johnson.
The project will initially be published on line to test it .... so needless to say, at the appropriate time will appreciate your kind cooperation !!!!!!
However I have made uno studio di personaggi secondari così tanto per.......