Bournemouth (Gran Bretagna), 20/05/2010 - ''Dopo attente considerazioni sulle prove consegnatemi dalla polizia del Dorset riguardo investigations into the murder of Heather Barnett, I decided that the evidence is sufficient to charge Danilo Restivo of his murder.'' The prosecutor said that Alastair Nisbet announced that:''Danilo Restivo tomorrow appear before the court in Bournemouth. Under the procedures introduced in February this year Danilo Restivo will be subject to pre-trial detention at Winchester Crown Court. Monday of next week, a judge will determine if rest will remain under custody until the beginning of the process.'' Detective Superintendent Mark Cooper, officer in charge of the case, Barnett said: "We have been in close contact with Heather's family during the During this investigation, talking with them this morning to let them know of the charges against Restivo. The family has shown extraordinary strength and courage in the seven years since the death of Heather and our thoughts are still with them. Heather's case is now in the hands of our partners in the criminal justice system, which will continue to work side by side.''
If the clues and evidence actually confirms that it is also responsible for the murder of Heather Barnett, means Danilo Restivo is a serial killer.''Claps of the family's lawyer, Julian Scarpetta, comments in these terms the arrest of Danilo Restivo.''The English trial for the case and Barnett noi lo processeremo per il caso Claps - aggiunge l'avvocato - Andremo avanti, naturalmente, per fare giustizia a Elisa''.
Giovanni Di Stefano, il legale di Omar Benguit, condannato per l'omicidio della studentessa coreana Jong Ok Shin, detta 'Oki', conferma che lunedì 24 maggio prossimo chiederà l'imputazione di Danilo Restivo anche per questo delitto.
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